EDF R&D description and scope

The main missions of EDF R&D (Research & Development) are:



EDF R&D implements a proactive policy of partnership in France, in Europe, especially in the countries where EDF Group is established, and in the world.


R&D program activities are defined through exchanges with our clients and with the Laboratories Direction for the whole set of activities.


Departments are responsible for the realization of the scheduled activities of the program with quality concerns in term of content, time of delivery and costs, while conforming to EDF R&D management rules (assets maintenance, adequation of tools and competence).


MIRE - Mesures et système d'Information des Réseaux Electriques: Measurements and information system of electrical networks


The MIRE department contributes to prepare the future of competences for EDF group, especially in the domain of electrical networks for high to low voltage distribution. MIRE is competent for the whole life cycle of networks, from conception (architecture) to management (measurement of performances, survey of quality, comptage), and including operation (protections, remote control, supervision) and safety (maintainability, availability, reliability).


MIRE also helps its clients about the potential evolutions of their information system and the data exchanges between systems.


MIRE can provide technical studies, specifications, developments and tests (software and hardware).


The ambition of the MIRE department is to get a global vision of networks processes, backed up with a strong technical expertise and the knowledge of the state of the art to anticipate and influence the evolutions of tasks and competences about electrical network activities.


Activities in the department are also fully concerned with the development of smarter networks (SmartGrids). The competences that are developed inside the department and the partnerships with other R&D departments in France and abroad are chosen with SmartGrids functionalities in mind: optimized management of assets, smart energy counters, automatic re-supply of distribution networks taking into account new decentralized power generators, architecture of information systems and standardization, quality of the supplied waveform and consequences of new electricity applications...


DER Test Facility (DER-TF) of EDF (pdf)


Services offered by EDF Installations (pdf)


Research Activities of EDF (pdf)




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